Sunday, August 26, 2007

T'was the Night Before Classes...

And all through the school...Don't worry, I can't write it all. That and one of my roommates just discovered that her cell phone gets service inside the dorm. (This is unusual since all the buildings are hurricane proof i.e. they're steel and concrete!) She let out a shriek of joy!

Anyway, tomorrow is the first day of classes. Breakfast starts at 7:30, and the ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the university is at 8:00. Then I have a Latin class, then the opening Mass at noon. Followed almost immediately by Western Civilization I, and Molecular Biology.

I'm very nervous! All the university "officials", if you will, keep talking about how important it is to go to class and study. Like I didn't know that already! I mean, why else would you go to college! I just have to remember that I'll be just fine. I have the drive, and the support of all of you! And my roommates are all good students as well so I will have positive peer pressure.

I just have to remember the most important things: daily Mass, and prayer. I love being here at an authentically Catholic school! I mean, I can just turn to my friends and say, "Let's pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet," and they'll be like "Alright!" We're all on the same page; we share an important value. PRAISE GOD!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hey!! It's Mary here...

Good luck with school! Don't worry--the officials always sound scary. I thought, "oh my goodness, I'm going to FLUNK!" during orientation, but I managed to pull off freshman year rather well. All bark, no bite. ;-)