Friday, January 30, 2009

Procrastination and Papers

So I got no homework done on Thursday and really no homework done today...This is not good. I have a 4-6 pg. Ethics paper due Feb. 12, and a 1 pg. Theology paper due this upcoming Friday. I have a lot of reading to do for Latin and American Civ. It would probably be smart to start researching for an American Civ. paper on a president. I am on the verge of trouble...

Tomorrow is the 19th Century Ball. I hope I can enjoy it with all of this looming over my head...

It's going to be 40 degrees F tomorrow but the weather web site said it would feel like 32. Needless to say, my roommate and I will be using the treadmills at the gym tomorrow instead of running outside. I'm starting to believe in global warming it's been so cold here this semester! ;)

Went on a Target run with some friends today. It was very fun. :) I bought crackers (so that I can actually eat my peanut butter like a spread as it was intended), laundrey detergent, and soap.

Sunday I'm going to a friend's house for some cooking fun. I'm going to show her how to curry potatoes and she is going to teach me to make something (I'm not sure what...)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blood, poems, and clubs

Hey! I'm really excited because I gave blood for the first time in my life! :) It wasn't bad at all! I'm also really happy because I read 4 of the 5 Latin Poems due for today. Yea! Tonight was the activities fair. There were several clubs I was interested in and signed up to receive more info: the World Youth Day Club, the Women's Outdoors Club, the Running Club, and Fencing (RANDOM!). But soon prudence and homework will kick in and I probably won't end up pursuing any but the first.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Events and an Accident

So school is going along. In theology we're reading some excellent excerpts; I hope to read some of the books in their entirity over the summer. In Ethics we have "The Daily Depredation" which involves reading recent articles or blog comments to controversial issues and then identifying the flaws and contradictions in the arguments and statements. In Latin we are reading Horace. Yesterday Horace was going on about how he would make a perpetual name for himself by his great skill as a poet. Rather prophetic considering that in 2009 people are still reading and praising his poems. Had to drop schola because of schedule conflicts, but this means I have more time to study. :) For American Civ. I'm just trying not to fall behind on the textbook readings which are rather long.

Last night my friend and I witnessed a horse-back riding accident. The horses were galloping on cobble stone and (it all happened very fast) I guess one slipped and the rider fell. Miraculously (and I am not speaking hyperbolically) the rider had no broken bones or serious head injury. Praise be Jesus in Mary! Praise be Mary in Jesus! So please offer Rosaries of thanksgiving to Jesus and Mary for the preservation of the rider's life and health!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Taxpayers should not fund abortion

Please sign this petition to chairman Obey of the House of Appropriations Committee to ask that taxpayers' money does not fund abortion. Our Lady of Guadelupe, Pray for us!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

One down...

So I have survived the first week of classes. I like all of my classes (though American Civilization not as much as the others) and am very eagar to study. There was a surprise birthday party for a friend two nights ago, and another party for another friend tonight! Birthdays never go uncelebrated here! My roommate and I went on our first Target run of the semester (she has a car). All's well at Target, and I got peanut butter, so I am happy. :) I auditioned and was accepted into the Women's Schola. We will be singing at four Extraordinary Form Masses thoughout the semester.

The Spring Formal Academic Convocation started the semester off with a bang, as Dr. Francis Beckwith gave the opening lecture. He is an amazing Catholic philosopher. I am reading one of his books in my ethics class. He signed it for me! :) I think everyone should read it. It's called "Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air." It's very accessible.

This moring I went with a group of students to pray at an abortion mill. We arrived back on campus just in time to make it to the opening Mass, at which the archbishop of the archdioces was the main celebrant. We got in just as they were processing in! God is good!

Had a liesurly lunch after Mass, learned a couple of words in sign language, got help with one of Horace's poems, and got some reading done. I really need to study hard this evening!

P.S. Please feel invited to leave comments as they have the tendency to brighten my day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pray for the defeat of FOCA

I forgot to mention this, but it's never too late to pray! Please join people across the country in praying for the defeat of the Freedom of Choice Act which affirms the killing of innocent babies in utero by taking a supposed stance of moral neutrality. Although no one is sure exactly what the implications of this act will be, speculations are anything but positive since the wording of the act is ambiguous and therefore prone to subjective interpretation.
Here at school we are praying a 54-day Rosary Novena every night at 9 p.m. An e-mail has been going around asking people to pray a novena from Jan. 11-19 and to fast (either on bread and water or a Lenten fast of two small meals and one full meal) if you are able, at least two days during the novena. The Rosary is a very powerful prayer and our country needs the intercession our patroness The Immaculate Conception. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! (Miraculous medal prayer)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And so it begins....

The first day of classes went well (considering that I had only one class it would have been hard for it to go badly). I did the homework for that class this morning and loved it! We shall see if this continues into the semester.... :)
Today I have 3 classes in succession: Golden Age Poetry (Latin), Ethics, and American Civilization. I consider these the big three, although I don't think American Civ. will be too hard. I'm bracing myself for the other two. I know I can survive ethics, but today I will find out about poetry. Regardless of the difficulty, I'm really excited about these classes because I really want to learn what they are teaching.
It's been very foggy the past two mornings. Yesterday, I couldn't see the huge Church across the lawn from the academic building! Kinda spooky, but it cleared off. Today, however, while the fog is gone, the grey clouds are persisting. I'm enjoying my crocs and my new pair of fast drying flats ; I'm ready for the rain. :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Days

Friday Jan. 9: Friends from NC drove down and spent the night at my house.

Sat. Jan. 10: packed breakfast, went to 7 a.m. Mass at the monestary. Hit the road at 8 a.m. Got on 75 S via a route I did not intend several exits before my intended point of entry. Drove, drove, drove. Great company! Good conversations. :) Got to Ave at 8 p.m. 10 p.m. rode with friend to pick up other friends from airport. Happy reunions! Got to bed c. 2 a.m.

Sun. Jan. 11: Woke up, unpacked clothes, got ready for Mass. Went to 10 a.m. Mass, prayed morning prayer. Breakfast, table companions and I decided that we must do something to enjoy the beautiful day so we decided to play soft ball at 3 p.m. Bought text books; I'm exceedingly excited about the selection! I can't wait to read them! 3 p.m. play ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) Afterwards took a quick shower, and went to Adoration. Went for a walk with a friend and got caught up. 7 p.m. ate home cooked Asian dinner with friends: GLASS NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (vegetables and pork included). Ate with chopsticks and was very happy! :) Prayed Rosary on Rosart walk, vespers, surprise birthday party for Fr. Fessio!!!!!!!!!!

Classes start tomorrow. I only have one, so I plan to do such things as: make a weekly and daily schedule, organize class binder, sign up for choir auditions, read the syllabus for ethics, see if I can get the same tutoring job, return unneeded text book, homework, pray, go to discernment meeting.

It's so fun to see all my friends again! I am happy, and ready to start an intense semester of greater intellectual endeavors.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Having been rebuked for not updating my blog, I have resolved to add a new post at least twice a month. To be honest I didn't think it mattered any more, and I was a bit paranoid about studying last semester (although I really didn't end up studying more than usual...) But I feel very loved now that I know people check up on my blog so I will try and reciprocate by adding new posts. :)

Currently I am packing like crazy and waiting for my travel buddies to arrive. Tomorrow we are all going to head down south to second semester! I can't wait to see all of my friends again! I'm even excited about classes. Two of my classes (ethics and Latin poetry) will be particularly challenging. Pray for me as I offer my studies up for you!

The beginning of a semester is an optimistic time when you dream about all of the possibilities unincumbered by responsibilities. We shall see if any of these fantasies materialize.