Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The second day

Today I went to morning Mass at 7:50, and was surprised to find that it was in Latin. Luckily, the readings, the homily, and the opening prayer, and the closing prayer were in English. Thank goodness! The only major problem I had was that I had a class at 8:50 (Elementary Latin, go figure!) and the Mass was a bit longer that the usual half-hour. At least I couldn't be late to class because my teacher was concelebrating the Mass!

After that I had Literary Traditions I. The Professor seems nice, and other students recommend him. I just don't like literature; I don't have that "muse" as the Greeks called it. Any way, the first book we're reading is it Iliad. I think it would be a good Monty Python skit(a clean version of course)...

Lab was from 1-4. It was an introductory Lab, so it was very easy. Unfortunately, I still have to write a lab report. :( Fortunately, I have really light class loads on Thursdays and Fridays, so I'll have time to write the report.

This evening there was a Eucharistic procession with the Rosary walk. Afterwards, the priest brought the Blessed Sacrament to each floor of each dorm. It was pretty cool!

Well, I think I'll try and get to bed at a reasonable hour! Good Night!


Linda G said...

Elizabeth, sounds like you've found the right fit!

I'll have to call you about the Rosary walk, as one of our mom's of a parish potential Eagle Scout has approached me about him helping with an "on campus" project at SPX. I was thinking of a Stations walk, becuase of the Monastery, but a Rosary walk would be cool too.

Anonymous said...

hey elizabeth, this is great. uncle gregory sent the blog along. will try to look at it each day. writing with my left hand so sorry no caps...easier. i've nicknamed the other arm ole stiff cuz das how it feels. tell us about the food...is it cafeteria style. your roommates look cool, glad you are enjoying this is your time.love aunt toni

uncle steve said...

Hi Elizabeth, sounds like you are in the groove and having a great time! Congrats!!! Do you miss any of those sisters and brother of yours!!!? I hope you have a great wekend! Love, Uncle Steve