Thursday, June 19, 2008


Yea, I know it's been forever since I last posted. The last couple of weeks of my freshman year (I can't believe I'm a sophomore already!) were hectic. I went to New York with the AMU Women's Discernment Program to see Pope Benedict XVI. Then I had two research papers to write; one for history the other for literature. After that (or during!) I studied for finals, took finals, put my stuff in storage, packed, cleaned, moved out of my dorm room, and drove home with a friend!
When I got home I had a week to re-group. That weekend my cousin graduated. It was a great celebration with family! Something happened the following weekend but I don't remember what that was now.
Memorial day weekend we went to the beach. Things got off to a rocky start as the house we had rented was infested with FLEAS!!! AAAAAhhhh! Fortunately, the relator found another place for us to stay and our vacation was saved. Praise God!
Other interesting facts, I'm working at a dentist's office. I don't know how to do much so I think of my role as doing the basic things so that more capable people can be where they need to be. So I clean up the operatories, sterilize the instruments, and develop and assemble x-rays. Outside of work, I've taken up lap swimming and am taking voice lessons.
This week is VBS week. Things have gone pretty well over all. It's not the most challenging group of kids I've worked with, but it does take effort to keep two 7 year olds, a 6 year old, and a 4 year old focused. I just need to rely on God's grace and Mary's intercession, do my best, and leave the rest to Jesus.
It's been an adjustment being at home. Especially since my friends aren't with me. However, I was able to visit with a friend I hadn't seen in several years because she had a lay over at the near by airport as she was returning from a year of mission work. We had a great time! Then, this weekend, one of my friends from school is coming in town and will be staying with me. I'm very excited!
Well, that's all for now. Until who knows when...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Procrastinating...never a good plan...

Once again, a long time has passed since I last updated my blog. Life moves fast here, and its demanding to keep up with school. When I returned from Easter Break, I had a literature paper to write. April 4-6 I attended the women's silent retreat which was beautiful. It's wonderful just to have profound silence! It was a gentle encounter with God; all about His great mercy, and love. We never have a reason to distrust Him! Amazing how difficult trusting God can be...

Anyway, once the lit. paper was done, I kinda fell appart and just didn't focus as much as I should have on homework. So now I'm scambling to research and write a 5-7 page history paper assessing the alleged unification of Italy and Germany in the 19th century. I'm confused, overwhelmed, and short on time. I would appreciate prayers! A lot of Rosaries!

Though, I have had fun goofing off. Last night I Irish fiddled for my friends, and today I went shopping with friends. I needed to get travel sized shampoo and whatnot. It was very fun (and not completely unproductive since I read my histoy textbook for background info concerning the paper topic, read some of King Lear - which I find almost impossible - and studied the anatomy of a clam and a worm).

Ah well. Life. I need balance...I guess finding it is part of the adventure of growing up! It keeps things exciting, and reminds you to trust God's mercy when you lose control.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back at AMU

Got back to school yesterday after a good Easter break. :) I was really happy that I got to see so many family members and friends!
I'm happy to be back (despite the literature paper and biology test - both due on Monday next week - which are hanging over my head like a little black rain cloud.) It was quiet at first, but more and more people are returning. It's really fun to see everyone again!
The university is in the midst of an exciting but stressful time as everyone prepares for the dedication of the Oratory tomorrow! I'm sooooooooooo excited!!!!! But it was rather short notice, so people are scrambling to get things done. From what I've seen, preparations are going well. Today me and two of my friends helped prepare the music that the choir will be singing for the dedication Mass. This is where I really feel the time crunch: the choir hasn't gone over all of the music yet! I don't sight read well so this is a little unnerving for me! :O Prayers would be appreciated! (Oh, yea, also my throat has been sore ever since I've returned so I also ask for prayers for my throat. St. Blase, pray for me!) Check out to get the link to watch the dedication via web cam broadcast!
So, you may ask, where did I find time to blog? To be honest, I'm tired of trying to write my lit. paper, and I'm trying to pass time while I wait for my friends to arrive back on campus. But they're taking a long time...I think I'll finish my assigned reading from Paradise Lost and then go to sleep. Big day tomorrow! Mary pray for us!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Parade March 15!

A student and the school mascot (his name is Jack!)

Festival of the Arts

These pictures were taken after the AMU choir sang at the Festival of the Arts on March 9. One of my friends recorded the concert and I'm hoping to have my roommate put it on a CD.

Additions to the gallery

These are pics from the Scythian concert. It was super fun and high energy the whole time! They're great!

Here's a short video clip. Though I couldn't really capture the atmosphere...If you clap along and hop up and down like you're an Irish step dancer you might get close... ;)

A picture is worth a thousand words...

An indoor picnic!
O.k. Because I took such a long break from blogging, I'm just posting a bunch of pictures to up date everyone. This first set is of the decorated dorm room (though this was before I moved).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Long time no blog...

Yes, it's been a small eternity since I last posted something on this blog. There are several reasons for this. 1) Life moves fast here! I mean, lots of homework, and then just hanging out with friends. 2) I've gotten used to living here so I don't feel as compelled to record the ordinary events of daily life. 1 is the overriding reason. So I'll just ramble to bring everyone up to speed...

I joined the women's discernment program so that I could focus more on what God wants me to do with my life. So I moved to the neighboring dorm. My roommate is a theology grad student. She's really great! She is also the lab coordinator: thus she knows a lot about God and His creation!

Literature is the most difficult class I have this semester. I get confused a lot; it's pretty lofty stuff. Thus far we've read Beowulf and Dante's Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise inclusive!) The latter was deep poetry! I felt lost for most of the class. But I passed the midterm exam, praise Jesus!

It was crazy! The week before midterms we had a history paper due on the Friday before, and a literature paper due on the Monday of midterms week! Need I say more...The good thing was that Monday was a reading day, so there were no classes.

Midterms week itself went pretty well. Though I've only gotten one test back (literature) I wasn't panicked this time 'round. What a grace!

I joined the choir this semester. It's challenging, but very fun. The director is incredible! But he's not terrifying. We had our first concert on March 9 and it went well. I heard a recording of the concert which was taken with a small digital recorder, and even on that we sounded quite good! I'm hoping to ask my roommate to make a cd of the concert.

The concert was part of the Festival of the Arts. So we also watched a dance program, and the musical Guys and Dolls. There is no formal drama department here; it's all completely student run. They are outstanding!

Well, that's it for now. Of course there are more little things, but I'll have to leave somethings to tell in person!

P.S. I'm writing now because I forgot to do my laundry so I'm waiting up for the wash cycle to finish!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

19th Century Ball

There and Back Again

And so ends the first week of classes. I have enjoyed it; thus far I like my new teachers, am actually excited about lab, and have not totally freaked out about studying yet!

Though there is not much to say other than that for classes this Saturday was the 19th Century Ball. There was a crash course in 19th century American dances on Thursday and Friday and I had a ball (haha...hum...bad joke...;) And the ball was just as good only fancier and with dinner.

That I went was something of a "miracle". I had been reluctant. My main excuse was the lack of a proper dress. Lo and behold, one of my roommates had a dress that didn't fit her anymore! So I went, and had the time of my life! :)

As we were walking back to the dorms we prayed a Rosary. It was slightly sprinkling. But by the middle of the third decade it began to rain! We took shelter under the library, but by the end of the Rosary it was still raining though a bit lighter. So we took our chances, and what do you think happened? It rained harder! So we were happy but wet!

Stay tuned for pictures...