Monday, August 20, 2007

Supplies 2

Sorry! When I changed the template color the purple font could not be read. So here it is again, only clearer. (I like this template better because there's a lot of blue and the star in the corner reminds me of a sand dollar!)

Today we went shopping for school supplies at Office Depot. Crazy! Paper, notebooks, binders, post-it-notes, pens (which is harder than it looks when you're in a store that has a whole section devoted to pens!), a desk calendar, a day planner, stapler, pencil sharpener, etc. I won't take pencils for granted anymore. :)

1 comment:

Linda G said...

I understand the overwhelmingness (word?)of the pens. I often get "lost" in the office supply store, and the auto supply store, and the book store... : )

This is so exciting and it's soooo awesome the family is down for the week. What a great gift.

Tell them I said Hello!