Saturday, February 28, 2009

Midterms approaching...

So, I only have a couple of minutes before beginning intense midterm prep (it wouldn't have to be so intense if I had studied more this past week, but oh well). I have one for Golden Age Poetry (Latin), for Creation and Grace, and for American Civ. The latter two I'm not terribly worried about as it will be multiple choice. But the study guide for American Civ. consists of a list of 100 significant places, persons, events etc. that I need to be familiar with....I think I know how this morning is going to go....

The retreat was good. It was really edifying to be with 140 other young Catholic women from all over the country and various circumstances. One really gets a feel for the universality of the Church! It was also fun to be around the Dominican sisters. Their joyful witness is remarkable. Oh yea, and it SNOWED!!!!! It was beautiful!!!!!

The World Youth Day 2011 Club has been collecting nominations for the Refiner's Fire Award which is awarded to the professor whom the students vote (by putting change into the professors jars) as the one who gave them the most time off Purgatory. As VP of the WYD club, I sent the nominations to the professors and thus far all who have been nominated have accepted. Some of them seemed pretty excited about it. I hope the students get into it too so that this fundraiser is successful!

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