Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring Break: Voy a.....

Guess what I'm doing for spring break.....................I'm going on AMU's mission trip to Nicaragua!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This past Saturday, totally out-of-the-blue, one of my friends mentioned that a student had her plane ticket double booked (turns out that she had signed up for both of Ave's mission trips - Ecuador and Nicaragua - so both groups bought her a ticket). Between Saturday night and Monday afternoon everything fell into place for me to go in her place. I'm exceedingly excited! I do not know what God has in mind for me during this trip, but if He went through all the trouble to surprise me with it I know it will be good! :)

Needless to say, I have been rather distracted during midterms. My two biggest tests (Latin poetry and American Civilization) are on Thursday so I would appreciate prayers. Praise God, my second ethics paper is done and I've printed it off to turn in tomorrow. I can't wait until Thursday evening when this is all done and I can focus on packing (so much fun!)

1 comment:

Goodrow Gang said...

WOW! Have a wonderful trip Elizabeth. We will be praying for your safe return home, but also a blessed time on your trip! Hugs from the Goodrows!