Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Long time no blog...

Yes, it's been a small eternity since I last posted something on this blog. There are several reasons for this. 1) Life moves fast here! I mean, lots of homework, and then just hanging out with friends. 2) I've gotten used to living here so I don't feel as compelled to record the ordinary events of daily life. 1 is the overriding reason. So I'll just ramble to bring everyone up to speed...

I joined the women's discernment program so that I could focus more on what God wants me to do with my life. So I moved to the neighboring dorm. My roommate is a theology grad student. She's really great! She is also the lab coordinator: thus she knows a lot about God and His creation!

Literature is the most difficult class I have this semester. I get confused a lot; it's pretty lofty stuff. Thus far we've read Beowulf and Dante's Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise inclusive!) The latter was deep poetry! I felt lost for most of the class. But I passed the midterm exam, praise Jesus!

It was crazy! The week before midterms we had a history paper due on the Friday before, and a literature paper due on the Monday of midterms week! Need I say more...The good thing was that Monday was a reading day, so there were no classes.

Midterms week itself went pretty well. Though I've only gotten one test back (literature) I wasn't panicked this time 'round. What a grace!

I joined the choir this semester. It's challenging, but very fun. The director is incredible! But he's not terrifying. We had our first concert on March 9 and it went well. I heard a recording of the concert which was taken with a small digital recorder, and even on that we sounded quite good! I'm hoping to ask my roommate to make a cd of the concert.

The concert was part of the Festival of the Arts. So we also watched a dance program, and the musical Guys and Dolls. There is no formal drama department here; it's all completely student run. They are outstanding!

Well, that's it for now. Of course there are more little things, but I'll have to leave somethings to tell in person!

P.S. I'm writing now because I forgot to do my laundry so I'm waiting up for the wash cycle to finish!

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