Thursday, June 19, 2008


Yea, I know it's been forever since I last posted. The last couple of weeks of my freshman year (I can't believe I'm a sophomore already!) were hectic. I went to New York with the AMU Women's Discernment Program to see Pope Benedict XVI. Then I had two research papers to write; one for history the other for literature. After that (or during!) I studied for finals, took finals, put my stuff in storage, packed, cleaned, moved out of my dorm room, and drove home with a friend!
When I got home I had a week to re-group. That weekend my cousin graduated. It was a great celebration with family! Something happened the following weekend but I don't remember what that was now.
Memorial day weekend we went to the beach. Things got off to a rocky start as the house we had rented was infested with FLEAS!!! AAAAAhhhh! Fortunately, the relator found another place for us to stay and our vacation was saved. Praise God!
Other interesting facts, I'm working at a dentist's office. I don't know how to do much so I think of my role as doing the basic things so that more capable people can be where they need to be. So I clean up the operatories, sterilize the instruments, and develop and assemble x-rays. Outside of work, I've taken up lap swimming and am taking voice lessons.
This week is VBS week. Things have gone pretty well over all. It's not the most challenging group of kids I've worked with, but it does take effort to keep two 7 year olds, a 6 year old, and a 4 year old focused. I just need to rely on God's grace and Mary's intercession, do my best, and leave the rest to Jesus.
It's been an adjustment being at home. Especially since my friends aren't with me. However, I was able to visit with a friend I hadn't seen in several years because she had a lay over at the near by airport as she was returning from a year of mission work. We had a great time! Then, this weekend, one of my friends from school is coming in town and will be staying with me. I'm very excited!
Well, that's all for now. Until who knows when...

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