Sunday, January 20, 2008

There and Back Again

And so ends the first week of classes. I have enjoyed it; thus far I like my new teachers, am actually excited about lab, and have not totally freaked out about studying yet!

Though there is not much to say other than that for classes this Saturday was the 19th Century Ball. There was a crash course in 19th century American dances on Thursday and Friday and I had a ball (haha...hum...bad joke...;) And the ball was just as good only fancier and with dinner.

That I went was something of a "miracle". I had been reluctant. My main excuse was the lack of a proper dress. Lo and behold, one of my roommates had a dress that didn't fit her anymore! So I went, and had the time of my life! :)

As we were walking back to the dorms we prayed a Rosary. It was slightly sprinkling. But by the middle of the third decade it began to rain! We took shelter under the library, but by the end of the Rosary it was still raining though a bit lighter. So we took our chances, and what do you think happened? It rained harder! So we were happy but wet!

Stay tuned for pictures...

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