Thursday, May 7, 2009

That's all there is, there isn't any more!....or is there...

I'm done with Finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that means........I'm a JUNIOR!!!!!!!! :O And I still feel like a freshman! :P

So my Latin final on Tuesday went not well. It was totally different from what I had expected. But I rather enjoyed taking it (even though I think it was GPA suicide) and I am now inspired to master Latin. I plan to brush up over the summer; I can't wait! I'm so excited!!!!

Yesterday morning, my oral final for Creation & Grace went very well. I really knew the material. After the test I went and got a celebratory iced mocha and chatted with a friend at the coffee shop.

After noon Mass and lunch, I packed up my college life in various boxes. I was so grateful to one of my friends for her help in putting everything away! Then my roommate and I loaded up her little toyota celica and headed for the storage unit. My stuff looked so small in that empty room....

Now it was time to party!!!!! Ok, not for me, but there was a joint surprise party for two couples who are to be married this summer, and two graduating seniors who have applied to enter the Dominican Friars (they won't know until mid-May if they have been accepted to the Order, so pray for them!!!!!) And a great time was had by all: cards were signed, cake was eaten, Tomism lauded, and the Archbishop of the Gulf of Mexico was installed (the "Sea" is no longer vacant!) by the papal nuntio to the Atlantic.

This weekend I do random cleaning and setting up for the various receptions following graduation (it's going to be so sad to see the seniors leave!) and then on Sunday I go into Really Great Silence as the 6 day Ignatian Silent Retreat begins that evening. Thus, I shall not be blogging (or e-mailing, or answering my phone etc.) until Saturday evening/afternoon. As one of the priests put it: "you're going to the mountain."

So much more to do!

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