Thursday, September 20, 2007

Update & A look into a freshman's mind...

Yea, it's been a long time. I'll just take a break from yet another lab report (this one is easier) to bring you up to date.

Last Thursday I went to the ballroom dancing class. Dancing is very fun! Unfortunately, the women outnumbered the men. My friend and I said a Rosary on the way back from dancing since we'd missed the Rosary walk.

Firday, I don't remember clearly at this time.

Saturday I participated in a "photo shoot". One of the students was taking pictures for the website (at least I think that's what it was) and he needed people to pose in the pictures.

Sunday I went to Mass at 10:00 a.m. because I wanted to sleep. Later that afternoon, some of my roomates and two others went to one of the music rooms in the library and played around with music. I need to find and Irish session...

This week, I've been trying hard to get all of my homework done because I'm going on a silent retreat this weekend. It will be good to rest, reprioritize, and reconnect. I don't want a lot of homework to worry about.

Some rambles to keep you entertained:

I find the third declension of Latin confusing. We're also starting to use the ablative case, and imperative plural.
My Latin teacher knows more than he betrays. He knows Latin, Greek, English, Polish (his first language), and French. He can understand Italian, and can read Spanish.

The league of Western Civilization I teachers thinks that we have nothing better to do than read history and write summaries and papers on history.

In literature, we finished reading the Iliad. It was very sad! "Such was the burial of Hektor, breaker of horses." Now we have to study for a quiz over books 9-16(or maybe only 15).

An audiologist spoke on Monday for the biology seminar the weekly biology seminar. She was very nice and sent me links to sites about audiology. One more career to consider. (It doesn't hurt that annual compensation is about $60,000 annually!)

I've started helping a family whose toddler has down's syndrom. Essentially, he just needs someone to play with. His mom is teaching me alot about down's syndrom.

I get to sleep in tommorrow till 7:30! Since Mass at the retreat will be at 8 p.m., I don't have to get up early to go to 7:50 a.m. Mass.

The nights have been beautiful. The mosquitoes, not so much so...

I haven't received any mail all week, though I've finally remembered which mail box is mine!

I have to study for a biology test on Wednesday. Pray for me!

Pray for my friends too! We're all in this together! Hmm...sounds like a song...


1 comment:

Linda G said...

I'm dizzy just trying to keep with your week! Missed hearing from you. Glad you posted. Am looking forward to hearing about your silent retreat weekend. Praying you peace and contentment.