Friday, September 28, 2007

There and Back Again...Story of a Hungry student

I've got a lot to do this weekend. I have a lab report to write, a literature paper due on Thursday, and a history paper due on Oct.8. But I feel pretty good. I don't feel as stressed as I probably should! ;)

Tonight they had swing dance lessons taught by two of the students. We learned some Charlston, and some New England swing. It was pretty fun!

Here's an funny story...
Tonight my roommates and I left the dorm at 6:30p.m. to go to dinner. I relized I hadn't brought my I.D. but I didn't think too much of it. When we reached the dinning hall, it dawned on me: I needed my I.D. so that I could eat! I began to walk back to the dorm, and realized I needed a key! So I turned around and borrowed one of my roommates keys. Now, this all wouldn't have been such a big deal, except for the fact that they stop serving dinner at 7 p.m! Praise God I made it back in time to eat. And that is pretty much the most ridiculous thing that has happened this Friday.

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